International trade and travel has increased tremendously in recent years
with plants and plant products being moved around the world.
As a
consequence, the rate of introduction and establishment of new pests
(arthropods, bacteria, fungi, invasive plants, nematodes, phytoplasmas and
viruses) has increased.
The capability of national plant protection organizations (NPPOs) to quickly and reliably detect and identify these organisms is critical for effective phytosanitary measures to be taken and for ensuring safe transnational movement of plants and plant products.
Laboratories are increasingly working under quality assurance systems (including accreditation) and need to have access to validated tests. In order to allow development, validation and use of methods for the identification of a pest, it is essential that reference collections are well maintained and accessible.
Q-collect aims to improve the status of reference collections important to plant health and the objectives of the project are to:
Q-collect will in particular:
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